A weekend of sound and music creation
Admission Free! Register NowThe Sonoj Convention is an event on the 4th and 5th of November 2017 in Cologne, Germany. Admission is free. It's topic is music production with open source software. The Sonoj Convention is a great opportunity to meet like-minded people, maybe even to have engaging discussions!
When you get here you will be able to enjoy demonstrations, talks and workshops about music production through open source software. Hands-on tutorials and workflow presentations can be expected. All presentations and workshops will be held in English.
Every man and woman is welcome, no matter your musical or technological background. Bring your own computer to participate, if you want!
Entry is free but we only have space for 50 visitors. Register right now and save a seat for yourself with only your name and e-mail address. Your registration is valid for both days. To register please write us to info@sonoj.org or use the form below. Some people also found us over MeetUp and chose to register there. This is an equally valid registration.
The Sonoj Convention is organized by volunteers and generously hosted by the Chaos Computer Club Cologne. To cover the expenses (electricity, internet, insurance, hardware etc.) we depend on your donation.
The fundraiser was successful and we want to thank the following persons for their support:There are three types of content: talks or demonstrations (black background), workshops (blue) and a concert (red).
Nils Hilbricht (Sonoj), Cologne
Florian Zeitz (CCCC), Cologne
Harry van Haaren (OpenAV), Limerick
Tobiasz 'unfa' Karoń, Warsaw
Filipe Coelho, Berlin
Louigi Verona, Berlin
Michal Souček, Prague
Eamonn Tobin
Tobiasz 'unfa' Karoń
Louigi Verona
Eamonn Tobin, Brussel
Louigi Verona, Berlin
Nils Hilbricht, Cologne
Nils Hilbricht, Cologne
The Sonoj Convention will be held in the rooms of the Chaos Computer Club Cologne, Heliosstrasse 6a 50825 Cologne, Germany on Saturday Nov. the 4th and Sunday Nov. the 5th 17.
You can visit, admission free, if you register beforehand on this website. For all other people there will be live video streaming and later upload of the recordings.
The theme of the convention is making music with free and open source software and hardware. That includes a single program up to a whole operating system. No matter the technology, the music is at the center of it. Every talk, demonstration or workshop will be focused on music. This also includes a top-down approach e.g. we advise our speakers to start with a piece of music and refer everything after that to it.
Our presentations and workshops are "hands-on" for musicians, composers, broadcasters etc. who do not need to know anything about tinkering with software. If you just want to record or create nice synthesized or sampled sounds with your computer - the Sonoj Convention is for you! We believe that open source software ultimately helps you to achieve your goals. So bring your computer as well!
Everything else will hopefully be answered in our FAQ section below. If you have any questions or comments left please write a mail to info@sonoj.org
Chaos Computer Club Cologne
Heliosstrasse 6a
Ground Floor
50825 Cologne, Germany
Email: info@sonoj.org