Sonoj Convention 2023
You can find the original site here:
- 7th and 8th of October 2023
- At the Chaos Computer Club in Cologne, Germany
- 7 Speakers
- 7 Talks, Open Slot, One-Hour-Challenge
- ~45 Visitors
- Admission free, independent event fully paid through private or anonymous donations.
- Video Recordings:
- Video Recordings Mirror on Youtube
- One Hour Challenge: Results and Web Audio Player
Our composition challenge was to make a track of music integrating either Romanian monks singing or actual Romanian cows with their bells. - MODEP with PiSound Slides
- Circle Composition Slide Sources
- Circle Composition Music and Ardour Archives
- How to play FLOSS keyboards like it's 1978 resources
- Bardcore Ardour Project
- Bardcore LecDem All Sources
- Photos by Wolfgang